Japan was shaken by an earthquake again

Japan was shaken by a terrible earthquake again. The Ishikawa region of the north-central region shook again at seven in the morning on Monday. Strong tremors were felt at seven o’clock on Monday.

A 5.9-magnitude tremor was first felt in the northern part of Noto Island, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. A few minutes later, another tremor of 4.8 magnitude occurred. Then several smaller earthquakes were felt over the next two hours. Two houses collapsed due to strong tremors. However, there are no reports of casualties so far.

Japan was shaken by a strong earthquake in January. There was also a lot of damage. That wound could not heal now. Meanwhile, the fear of a strong earthquake is increasing among everyone, but this time the danger of a tsunami is increasing. However, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency, there is no tsunami forecast yet.

JMA Seismology and Tsunami Officer Satoshi Harada advised residents to remain vigilant, although there was no significant damage caused by Monday’s earthquake. He advised the residents of the areas that were most affected by the last earthquake to be more careful.

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