Poison enters the body from plastic bottles, know what will happen?

Drinking water in a plastic bottle day after day will increase the risk of diabetes. The American Diabetic Association claims so. Research has claimed that plastic bottles contain a lot of plastic particles mixed with water. This plastic enters the body when drinking water and multiplies the level of toxins in the body. If these plastic particles enter the body in excess, it causes changes in insulin in the body. Increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

California State University researchers have been researching the harmful aspects of plastic bottles for a long time. The microscopic plastic particles are called ‘nanoplastics’, the researchers said. Research shows that 1 liter of plastic bottle water (33 oz) contains at least 240,000 plastic particles. They cannot be seen with the naked eye. They enter the body with water and mix with the blood. Their length is like 1 to 5000 micrometers. That is, finer than the hair on the human head. It is these fine plastic particles that are mixed in the water in plastic bottles.

Most of the water bottles sold in the market for drinking water are made of single-use plastic. Drinking water from such bottles day after day increases the risk of cancer. Plastic bottles are made using several ingredients, including ‘Bisphenol A’ or ‘BPA’, which is harmful to the body. Researchers say that if nanoplastics and ‘Bisphenol A’ enter the human body in excess, it can cause various complex diseases. While examining what diseases can be caused, researchers have found that some types of plastic used in making bottles affect the secretion of insulin in the body.

Which can later lead to diabetes. The researchers claimed that the evidence was also found after testing on 40 adults. Not only that, plastic ‘BPA’ can also cause hormonal and chromosomal problems. The accumulation of large amounts of plastic particles in the body reduces the sperm count in men. Blocks female hormone secretion. In particular, the effectiveness of the hormone estrogen may decrease.

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