STNM Hospital faces medical negligence claims

The Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial (STNM) Hospital is facing serious allegations of medical negligence after a pair of surgical forceps was discovered in the abdomen of a patient twelve years following her appendix surgery. Fifty-one-year-old Rita Chetri underwent an appendectomy at STNM Hospital in January 2012. Although she spent 17 days recovering in the hospital, her post-operative journey was plagued with persistent health issues. Rita’s husband, Balaram Chetri, recounted that despite numerous visits to the hospital for recurring stomach pain, doctors attributed her discomfort to gastric troubles and prescribed a variety of medications without conducting further investigations.

“We received treatment for gastric issues and vitamins, but no one thought to look deeper,” Balaram said. “At times, she felt quite unwell, but we had no idea something serious was left inside her.”After years of unanswered health complaints, Rita began experiencing urinary problems earlier this year. A biopsy conducted in Namchi revealed concerning results, prompting a referral back to STNM for further examination. On October 7, doctors diagnosed an infection and ordered an X-ray, leading to the shocking discovery of the retained surgical forceps.

“I was in disbelief when they told me,” Balaram recounted. “It felt impossible. The doctors assured us they could remove it, and on October 8, they did just that.” STNM Hospital has confirmed the successful extraction of the forceps from Rita’s abdomen following the recent surgery. In response to the outcry, hospital officials have announced a high-level meeting to address the situation and promised to provide updates afterward.

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